NOTICE: The Town of Sheldon Planning Board will be revising the proposed new zoning law. Another public hearing will be scheduled once revisions are complete. Notice of the public hearing will be widely distributed with ample time for public review of the revised proposed law.
Mary Kern is the Town Assessor
To reach Mary, please call 585-219-3843
Office Hours: Mary will be conducting assessor business via phone and email.
To view the final assessment rolls click the following link:
Board of Assessment Review Members
Ron Barvian, Chairman
Jason Kehl
Dan Henneberger
Tom Hyman
Jim Kirsch
Please contact the Town Assessor for the appropriate forms and paperwork.
RP-524 Grievance Form
Income Verification Form (IVP) (
Senior/Aged Exemption form (
Tax Collector
The Town Tax Collector is Donna Almeter.
Donna is a Notary Public
If you need a copy of a tax bill, please contact Donna at 585-535-0329.
Notice of Receipt of Tax Roll and Warrant:
Please take notice, that the undersigned, the collector of taxes of the Town of Sheldon, has received the tax roll for the collection of taxes for the Town of Sheldon for the fiscal year January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025. Please take further notice that the undersigned will receive the taxes listed on said roll, as follows: at Sheldon Town Hall on January 11, 18, & 25 from 9 am to noon, and January 31 from 2 pm to 4 pm, or by mail to Sheldon Tax Collector, 3014 Bartz Rd, Strykersville, NY 14145. Please take further notice, that the taxes may be paid to the undersigned without interest on or before the thirty-first day of January. Taxes received after such day shall have interest added at the rate of 1% for the month of February and 2% for the month of March. Unpaid taxes will be returned to the Wyoming County Treasurer, April 1st with additional penalties and interest.
Donna Almeter, Collector of Taxes for the Town of Sheldon
Mailing address: Donna Almeter, Sheldon Tax Collector, 3014 Bartz Rd., Strykersville, NY 14145. Check payments may also be left in the mail slot on the Town Hall front door 24/7.
To view your tax bill click the following link:
Zoning Permits & Information
Town Zoning Officer Nicole Grover
Wyoming County Building & Codes
Phone: 585-786-3152
Building permits are required for most buildings and additions, such as decks, porches, sheds, pools, etc. If you have any questions regarding acquiring a building permit please call Wyoming County Building & Codes at 585-786-3152.
To view and print zoning applications for the Town of Sheldon, please visit:
Click here for a list of Zoning fees
Click here for a Zoning Application
Click here for the Zoning page with all forms
Click here for a Zoning Complaint Form
Zoning Board of Appeals Members
Barb Logel
Walt Youngers
Billy Harvey
Ken Beglinger
Mike Pfohl
Planning Board
Town Planning Board meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at the Sheldon Town Hall at 6PM
Please see the bottom of this page for Agendas, Minutes and Meeting Materials.
Planning Board Members
Wayne Abbott, Chairman
Deborah Kirsch
Mary Kehl
Don Pawlak
Jeff Nixon
Kathy Roberts
Secretary to the Planning Board: Kate Meyer
Please see the Town Zoning Law listed below under downloads.
Comprehensive Plan
To view a copy of the Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2017 please see below under downloads.